Paper Submission Procedure


Participants are invited to submit a paper of maximum 6 pages. The template for the papers can be found on Resources & downloads page.

All the submitted papers will be subject to a double blind peer-review process according to the following criteria:

  • for empirical papers: focus of the paper, an indication of the theoretical framework for the study, an indication of and justification for the methodology used, and some relevant sample data and results.
  • for theoretical/philosophical essays: focus or theme of the paper, an indication of the theoretical or philosophical framework within which the focus or theme of the paper is developed, a clearly articulated statement of the author's position about the focus or theme, and implications.

The review forms are to be found here:

The authors whose first language is not the language used for  the proposed paper are kindly requested to have their work proof read prior to submission by a proficient speaker of that language. Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of language (English / Ffrench).

Please submit your paper as attachment by e-mail at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Use the following format for your file: EPC_TKS_authorslastname.doc.

You are kindly asked to mention the conference topic for your paper in the subject of your email and at the top of your paper.

Please send a scan of the bank receipt to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Use the following name for the respective scanned file EPC_TKS_payment_your name.jpg (or pdf etc.). When you make the payment it is mandatory to specify on the bank form: conference fee for EPC-TKS International Conference 2019.